Langsung saja, disini saya mau posting mengenai seluruh kegiatan didalam operasional wireline cased hole dalam bentuk briefing job dan debriefing job setelah selesai melakukan wireline cased hole job. Jadi wajib hukumnya bagi seorang engineer untuk nge-print kertas briefing dan debriefing job ini. Form briefing dan debriefing inipun sudah beberapa kali dilakukan revisi dan ini merupakan versi yang terakhir (untuk saat ini):
Briefing Job:
[N] sebelum memulai pekerjaan hendaknya kita melakukan briefing job dengan manager kita, isinya antara lain membahas mengenai People, Process, Equipment, Special (mksdnya jika ada kondisi tertentu didalam wireline cased hole job).
1. People:
- FE/FS/Crew Competency 100% know how to run the job.
- Quest Certification (OTC, Medical Check Up)
- Training Competency and ILearn/Quest Certification, CTA Validity
2. Process:
- Kita membuat FDP dan direview dan JRI approved dan SWI printed/downloaded, serta FTL di export.
- RITE board for cell dan borrowed equipment (Rig up equipment, CMTD, IDW, etc)
- Tools pending for major maintenance (SLE 1/2, SLS 2, SLS 3) and due for certification need exemption.
- Tools-unit-cable-basic and rig up equipment-RA moved in RITE with barcode scanner.
- Logging program and plan printed.
- Toolstring and tension planner printed with correct BHT and Deviation
- CMTD/IDW Calibration still valid and back up strain axle available.
- R/U Equipment inventory, MPI and Pull Test still valid and certification printed.
- Cable-RS (Torture Test)-WP Ratings-ERS Needed.
- HAZMAT form properly filled and kept as per SOP (for RST job)
3. Equipment:
- Have enough MnS for job.
- Maxwell and OP installed in MCMP, DVD available.
- Spare Card Kit available in the unit checked, completed and green tagged.
- Tools inventory (MH-22, CCL, UPCT, WPSM/WPSA)
- RITE Board update
- R/U Equipment (SHVC, TD-LD) Certification
- WHE Certification
- Dangerous goods in transport boxes well secured (chained and loaded) for transportation to the wellsite.
4. Special:
- PMIT Ready Box Completed
- PLT Tools available and completed.
- Estimation explosive consumption and inventory review
Debriefing Job
[N] merupakan form yang wajib di submit setelah pekerjaan wireline cased hole selesai dilakukan dilapangan. Isinya antara lain sebagai berikut:
- JRI printed
- SWI printed
- Field ticket signed by Client (send the Doc to town)
- Client Satisfaction Report (CSR) signed by Client
- NPT- Non productive time
- Quest plug-in updated (if any NPT, sen FTLX to PSDM)
- FTL completed and submitted to FTL server (to be reviewed during debriefing)
- JCI update
2. Data
- Weak point calc/TP report
- Winch right report and total penalty
- Job program, printed.
- Wellsketch, Z-cart
- Pressure test report signed by Client
- Correlation log printed (if no hard copy, please print the soft copy and submit it in the package)
- WL back up CD and CLient Data CD and data transmittal report to PDC with correct file naming and folder structure.
- Physical print (correlation pass every run)
3. Hazmat
- Gun sketch signed by Client/Witness
- Explosive consumption report printed and signed by Client.
- Update explosive inventory to server
- Hazmat form for radioactive stapled together and moved back in RITE
4. QUEST-RIR/Anomaly
- PJSM report
- Lifting Plan used checklist
- Each FE/FS have 2 HSE-RIR/OI
- Anomaly/Cermat/Stop Card
- Each operator have min 1 HSE RIR
5. Follow Up
- If any failure during job.
- 8 min facts within 12 hours of failure for CMS, and 24 hours for light failure to be sent to manager and engineer in charge.
- NCR and failure handshake to maintenance Team, Manager and Engineer in charge.
- Rig book updated
- Handover notes.
Jadi memang banyak banget singkatan-singkatannya, seperti contohnya adalah OTC (overall training center), CTA (competency risk assesment), FDP (Field development plan platform), JRI (Job Risk Index), JCI (Job Closure Index), HAZMAT (hazardous material), serta MnS (Material and Safety).
Sebagai engineer/specialist merupakan tanggung jawab kita untuk harus memastikan perlengkapan peralatan serta orang-orang yang terikut di job tersebut berkompeten dan valid segala sesuatunya.
Begitu kira-kira yang harus dilakukan pada saat sebelum dan sesudah job dilakukan.
💪💪💪💪💪 Semangattt!!
Nantikan postingan selanjutnya ya, kalian boleh komen request untuk posting masalah apapun di kolom komen di bawah ini!
Order Madu Herbal LV via Line Account
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