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Schlumberger Wireline - Unintentional Pull Off Prevention (UPOP)

Oil Field Service - Wireline UPOP


The e-Learning Document is mainly intended to cover TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE of tools and services that are not covered or partly covered in the Standard Work Instruction (SWI). It is not Intended to cover Job Process “Design”, “Prepare”, “Execute” and “Close”. The SWI is the standardized document for all job design, preparation, execution and close procedures.

By the end of the module the trainee should be able to :
Categorize the different types of UPOs (Unintentional Pull Off)

Recognize the common causes of UPOs in Schlumberger Operation
Identify and Understand the HSE risks related to UPOs
Identify and Understand the Quality and Business consequences of UPOs for Schlumberger and clients
Recognize the preventive and mitigation procedures and tools available
Become familiar with the relevant standards and  Standard Work related to UPOP (Unintentional Pull off Prevention)

      In order to understand what is an unintentional Pull off lets review a general P.S. logging set up.  Logging unit is located in an area that will allow for the required operation, then Basic Equipment which composed of: Sheave Hanger, Sheave wheels, Chain, Sling, and Pressure control equipment are rigged up and finally Logging Cable is feed through.  
     To assemble the required string a logging head is attached to the cable, this equipment acts as the mechanical and electrical connection between cable and tools, once head is installed the string can be connected and lowered into the well. Of this setup the Basic Rig up Equipment handles the force generated by the cable weight , tool weight and friction forces  when string is in movement. 
     The force seen by the top sheave will be twice the current tension, while the tension seen at the lower sheave will be a function of the angle  and current tension. For this reason the Safe working load for the equipment is higher than the specifications of the cable.  
     The wireline cable as our conveyance method will see the force  generated by the cable weight , tool weight and friction force when the string is in movement; the Maximum strength will depend type the being used , you can find this on the tool planner in the cable properties  tab, Safe Working Load is the value used as the maximum tension that a cable can be exposed to.
Wireline Conveyance System

What is a UPO? Whenever a weakpoint or cable is broken unintentionally

What are the consequences of a UPO?

Client: Loss production, revenue, Damage to 


Schlumberger: Loss of revenue, reputation

Loss /Damage to Equipment

YOU: Zero Tolerance….

Lihat Video Cable Structure dibawah ini:

TIME  for  TENSION   Buildup

§Example 1
Tool at 10,000 ft and speed of 1000 ft/hr.  With a stuck tool, a 2500lbs increase in tension will take?
18 feet of cable stretch and 1 minute.
§Example 2 
Tool coming to surface at 1000 ft/hr with 150ft of cable from the truck to the lubricator.  When bumping up, a 2500lbs increase in tension (which is enough to risk breaking a weak point) will take?
3 1/3 inches of cable stretch and 1 second.

Pull Off Analysis
Pull Off – Cases for revision
TIME for TENSION Buildup
WP Calculations
WP Selection
Prevention Tools
Surface Checks
Winch Operator’s notes
Speed Limits
Case Study and Scenarios
 Weak Point Selection Premises
1. Make sure you can pull off without breaking the cable (Respect the cable SWL)
2. Choose the largest Weakpoint suitable for the job
§Rigid Modular Weakpoint
§Flexible Weakpoint

§Spider Weakpoint


TABLE-Rigid Modular Weakpoints

Rigid Weakpoints are identified with color code and written rating.  
Don’t trust the color coding system when installing or checking a weakpoint, 
always look for the rating that is stamped on it.  

TABLE- Flexible Weakpoint

➤Solid  (Rigid) weakpoints are more susceptible to damage to high shock, as in
 perforating jobs, than flexible weakpoints.

Spider Weakpoint (CH)

Technique sensitive!
The impact strength of a spider weakpoint decreases as the number of inner
armours decrease.
When a spider rope socket make up torque is increased beyond the
recommended value, it will cause the impact strength to decrease.

Weak Point Reduction with Temperature

§Solid weakpoints experience a ~ 4% strength reduction per 100 DegF increase
from room temperature (75 DegF). The effect  is not cumulative, that is, the
weakpoint recover its full strength when returned to room temperature.

Weak Point Selection
1.Make sure you can pull off without breaking  the cable (Respect the cable

2.Choose the largest Weakpoint suitable for the job.

Upper WP rating (temp corrected) < 1/2 cable strength Ŧ - cable weight (in mud)

Ŧ SWL = 50% of Cable Ends Fixed Break Strength

Pull Off Prevention – Maximum Safe Pull

Max. Safe Pull =  Normal Tension - Wt. of Tool in Fluid + .75 (Lower WP Rating)
Max Pull  by FE without Consulting District Manager:
75% of Lower Weakpoint Rating
50% of Ends Fixed Break Strength
Know Your Normal Logging Tension
Consider effects of DRAG
•Temperature Effects
•Buoyancy Effects

Maximum Safe OverPull
MSOP is constant throughout the jobŦ

Ŧ Only if temperature remains fixed


Hand Signals
Intercom (UKI)


(to be continued)




Fertilisasi In Vitro Bab I A.   Definisi Bayi tabung  atau  pembuahan in vitro  (bahasa Inggris:  in vitro fertilisation ) adalah sebuah teknik pembuahan dimana sel telur (ovum) dibuahi di luar tubuh wanita. Atau FIV adalah teknik mencampurkan sel telur wanita dengan spermaa dari pasangannya ke dalam wadah kecil atau tuba tes di laboratorium untuk membuat fertilisasi terjadi. Begitu sel telurnya berhasil difertilisasi (pada tahap ini dikenal sebagai embrio), satu atau lebih embrio ditempatkan di kandungan wanita melalui serviks.  B.    Tujuan Untuk membantu pasangan suami istri yang sulit mendapat keturunan atau anak. Ataupun bagi pasangan yang ingin menentukan jenis kelamin bagi buah hati mereka. C.   Langkah – Langkah 1.     Istri diberi obat pemicu ovulasi yang berfungsi untuk merangsang indung telur mengeluarkan sel telur yang diberikan setiap hari sejak...

biological task

hi ! makasih untuk malam ini tugas saya telah finished dengan baik ini nih artikelnya : saya dapet dari blog yang keren ini alamatnya blog 1 dan blog 2 informasi dari blog 1 dan 2 gue mixing hehe makasih ya ownernyaa (: Struktur Perkembangan Tumbuhan Posted on December 12, 2011 by Dian Jaringan Tumbuhan  Tumbuhan tersusun atas berbagai jaringan.Definisi jaringan adalah sekelompok sel dengan asal-usul,struktur,dan fungsi yang sama.Jaringan pada tumbuhan dikelompokkan berdasarkan tempatnya dalam tumbuhan, tipe sel, fungsi, asal-usul, dan tahap perkembangannya. Berdasarkan jumlah tipe sel penyusunnya, jaringan dibedakan menjadi jaringan sederhana dan jaringan rumit. Jaringan sederhana bersifat homogen,hanya terdiri dari atas satu tipe sel,sedangkan jaringan rumit bersifat heterogen, terdiri atas dua atau lebih sel. Parenkim, kolenkim, dan sklerenkim adalah jaringan sederhana, sedangkan xilem, floem, dan epidermis  adalah jaringan rumit. A. Jaringan Meristem ...

Review Klinik Kecantikan Gloskin

Halo, akhirnya kesempatan juga untuk posting Review Klinik Kecantikan. Kali ini aku akan nge-review tentang Klinik Kecantikan Gloskin. Postingan ini ditujukan kepada kalian pada beauty seeker yang sedang bingung pilih-pilih klinik mana yang kira-kira bagus buat perawatan wajah. Berdasarkan pengalamanku dulu sih gitu, jadi tiap aku akan melakukan segala sesuatu, pasti aku akan cek ke gugel atau yutup buat sekedar ngliat review-an orang-orang. Biar gak nyesel aja gitu, yaa walaupun ada beberapa klinik yang sudah aku lihat reviewnya tetep aja zonk! wkwkk. Tapi postingan ini aku buat sejujur-jujurnya mengenai Gloskin, guys! Ok, aku critain dulu yah aku ini siapa dan kegiatan apa yang sehari-hari aku lakukan. Jadi gini, guys. Aku ini adalah seorang engineer yang kerjanya dilokasi (kadang onshore kadang juga offshore), tapi aku juga hobi banget nulis jadi aku punya blog ini dari jaman aku SMP, awalnya hanya untuk menyimpan materi belajar tapi sekrang makin kesini makin campur-campur ...