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Self Improvement - Compilation

You Don't need to get mad.

You know too much psychology when you cant get mad. Because you understand everyone’s reason for doing everything! If you get mad easily, then you dont Master your Psychology.

“SELF DESTRUCTION COMES IN HANDY nowadays. Date your best friend’s ex. Plays on your mobile phone while you’re in an important meeting. Wear your fluffy headphones while your mom is talking about the horor of the future and the importance of being open minded feminism. Forget everyone’s bday even when you check FB daily first thing in the morning. Eat junk food six day a week just because it too late to cook, you have few things to do, no time to prepare anything in the kitchen, and it’s too dark to go out for food. Simply talk about your friends behind their backs with random people  on every whatsapp group where your friends are not one of the members. Pick one or two quotes images and upload it on IG that surely make your ex boyfriend/girlfriend feel offended. Embrace every mistake AND YOUR LOVER’S CHEATING HABIT AS A TYPICAL THING. Self destruction also plays on important role as a self medicine. The best of The Best.” – Lala Bohangs’

Things mentally strong people do, they enjoy their time alone, they hold themselves accountable for their actions. They celebrate the success of others, they surround themselves with greatness. They have great health habits, from sleep to how they eat, they own their mind, body and spirit. they embrace and celebrate change, they know that change is constant with life. They invest time and energy into the present. They’re able to focus on the tasks at hand.

A real man- Has nothing to hide. He will tell you the truth about whatever you want to know. Because he knows that if he’s 100% honest with you, you will trust him no matter what.

Don’t chase people. Be you, do your own thing and work hard. The right people who belong in your life will come to you and stay. Date someone you can learn from. Especially when they’re able to educate you without making you feel like a dumbass for not knowing.

You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine. (If you think adventure is dangerous, then try routine It is LETHAL).

eat well.

read books.

study yourself.

expand your mind.

do better and get better.

Remember you are your greatest investment.

if GOD making you wait for something, then be prepared to receive more than you asked for.

The Growth Minded People be like failure is an opportunity to grow, I can learn to do anything I want, challenges help me grow, my effort and attitude determine my abilities feedback is constructive, I am inspired by the success of the other, I like to try new things.

[11:11] There is no such a thing as coincidences in our lives, what’s happening is meant to be happen. So, Learn from it.





Every man needs a good woman by his side, when things are a mess the Queen always protect her King.

No matter what your circumstances are, if you can imagine something better for yourself, you can create it.

“Sometimes you gotta play the fool to the fool who thinks he’s fooling you”

Loyalty is hard to find
Trust is easy to lose
Actions speak louder than words.

Are you a true LEADER? what’s the proof?
Sorry not sorry but your way of thinking just too shallow for me L
Now i know the importance of working hard in silence. Its way better! 100% satisfaction is trully YOURS.

Private life is what im craving for, when there’s none knows who i am, where i am from, etc.

He didnt reply me.
Simply because I am not interesting anymore. Sorry.

it’s just his game and but unfortunately he got a good player tho.
he is just so much busy and got no signal, pretty restricted area. as a cool player in his game i actually just laughing my freakin ass off. No offense.
he thinks i am OKAY, so no need to talk to each other every single day. Well, im just ensuring that you’re still ALIVE haha nothin more, you wish dude!
he got his family (wife and children). Oh i guess i know it from the very beginning. I just tested how smart he is. I mean for evey choices he made and if someday i found out he is just playing with me, I am totally okay cuz i played with him too!! just way cooler than him. I’ve got everything I want.
He is testing me about my LOYALTY. Okay, I am a freaking loyal. I guess i have great experience and ability to keep my cheating habit secure (what you think huh?) You won’t understand m. Coz I am so manipulative. I know how to heal myself, i know how to lose guys without leaving a broken heart, I know how to handle anything. You should think twice if you wanna play with me, im a better player but i won’t show. I can teach you how if you want.




Fertilisasi In Vitro Bab I A.   Definisi Bayi tabung  atau  pembuahan in vitro  (bahasa Inggris:  in vitro fertilisation ) adalah sebuah teknik pembuahan dimana sel telur (ovum) dibuahi di luar tubuh wanita. Atau FIV adalah teknik mencampurkan sel telur wanita dengan spermaa dari pasangannya ke dalam wadah kecil atau tuba tes di laboratorium untuk membuat fertilisasi terjadi. Begitu sel telurnya berhasil difertilisasi (pada tahap ini dikenal sebagai embrio), satu atau lebih embrio ditempatkan di kandungan wanita melalui serviks.  B.    Tujuan Untuk membantu pasangan suami istri yang sulit mendapat keturunan atau anak. Ataupun bagi pasangan yang ingin menentukan jenis kelamin bagi buah hati mereka. C.   Langkah – Langkah 1.     Istri diberi obat pemicu ovulasi yang berfungsi untuk merangsang indung telur mengeluarkan sel telur yang diberikan setiap hari sejak permulaan haid dan baru dihentikan setelah sel-sel telurnya matang. 2.     Pematangan sel-sel telur sipantau se

Review Klinik Kecantikan Gloskin

Halo, akhirnya kesempatan juga untuk posting Review Klinik Kecantikan. Kali ini aku akan nge-review tentang Klinik Kecantikan Gloskin. Postingan ini ditujukan kepada kalian pada beauty seeker yang sedang bingung pilih-pilih klinik mana yang kira-kira bagus buat perawatan wajah. Berdasarkan pengalamanku dulu sih gitu, jadi tiap aku akan melakukan segala sesuatu, pasti aku akan cek ke gugel atau yutup buat sekedar ngliat review-an orang-orang. Biar gak nyesel aja gitu, yaa walaupun ada beberapa klinik yang sudah aku lihat reviewnya tetep aja zonk! wkwkk. Tapi postingan ini aku buat sejujur-jujurnya mengenai Gloskin, guys! Ok, aku critain dulu yah aku ini siapa dan kegiatan apa yang sehari-hari aku lakukan. Jadi gini, guys. Aku ini adalah seorang engineer yang kerjanya dilokasi (kadang onshore kadang juga offshore), tapi aku juga hobi banget nulis jadi aku punya blog ini dari jaman aku SMP, awalnya hanya untuk menyimpan materi belajar tapi sekrang makin kesini makin campur-campur

biological task

hi ! makasih untuk malam ini tugas saya telah finished dengan baik ini nih artikelnya : saya dapet dari blog yang keren ini alamatnya blog 1 dan blog 2 informasi dari blog 1 dan 2 gue mixing hehe makasih ya ownernyaa (: Struktur Perkembangan Tumbuhan Posted on December 12, 2011 by Dian Jaringan Tumbuhan  Tumbuhan tersusun atas berbagai jaringan.Definisi jaringan adalah sekelompok sel dengan asal-usul,struktur,dan fungsi yang sama.Jaringan pada tumbuhan dikelompokkan berdasarkan tempatnya dalam tumbuhan, tipe sel, fungsi, asal-usul, dan tahap perkembangannya. Berdasarkan jumlah tipe sel penyusunnya, jaringan dibedakan menjadi jaringan sederhana dan jaringan rumit. Jaringan sederhana bersifat homogen,hanya terdiri dari atas satu tipe sel,sedangkan jaringan rumit bersifat heterogen, terdiri atas dua atau lebih sel. Parenkim, kolenkim, dan sklerenkim adalah jaringan sederhana, sedangkan xilem, floem, dan epidermis  adalah jaringan rumit. A. Jaringan Meristem