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Smart People Always See From Different Perspective

So, someone (now he is dead. RIP) gave me a nice suggestion after he checked out my blog, he suggested me to post articles or whatever you like on your blog and make sure the blog walkers who passing through your blog willing to visit back yours. Or at least make it useful for mankind. So, I build this blog based on my life experiences, my imagination, my perspective and i hope you find it useful.

I have a lot in my head. But sometimes i find its hard to let them out, but still i try. Ive seen thousand desperate peoples, got raped, left out, and the worst is being insane. They’re like having no choice in their life, no hope, and nothing.

A sad thing in life is that sometimes you meet someone who means a lot to you only to find out in the end it was never bound to be and you just have to let go. For example, you find someone who seemed wants you at first, he always made a call, video call, sent pics, said good morning-good afternoon and good night to you, He seemed so sweet on his words at the first time, sang a love song but what good is a love song without the love? You would think like he was serious and then you didnt mind to give all your heart to him. You fulfilled his will whatever he asked for, you’d give your biggest effort just to show how much you love him coz you thought he was serious in a relationship with you, and so on. You never realize that he was a bad guy who only try to use you for his convenience like sex, who fooling around with the girls, he slept with different girls before you, he was a liar. People say you don’t know what you’ve got until its gone. And finally he left you, impolitely, and it was hurt you so much, your feeling’s bleeding every single time you remember him. You loved him way too much, but he didnt.

Being a picky one is not always a wrong choice. That’s mean you are careful enough to choose who you will give your love with, share your whole life with. Its important for you if you’re planning for settling down. Make sure the one you choose is also have same mission with you, make sure you know what’s his goal in life, what’s his motivation so far, etc. No, it wasn’t your fault to love whoever you wanted, to expressed love, to show your seriousness toward him. That’s mean that you have a really pure heart, have so much love, you so damn worthy, you are perfect and always will be. But, the lesson learned, you should be careful to each step you’d take in life. For your good. For your brighter future, you deserve the best for your life and you deserve someone who’ll love you in the right way, baby.
Let’s criticize that “bad guy” here. Why he did that to you? Perhaps, because of his life’s motto. He dont want a perfect life, he just want a “happy” life. And the definition of “happy” is different for every person. That could be an answer to why he did that to you, he left you impolitely, he thrown you awaaayyyy haha. You got the point, right? so, dont blame him, and start to blame yourself, why wouldnt you be a lil bit careful, of course it never crossed on your mind at all. Here, you’re right but also wrong and either way to him. He was right but also was wrong. You gave him your pure love, but he just wanted to use you, nothing serious about all that he gave to you. That was his trick to get you. No hard feeling, but you also have to figure out yourself!

Why he did that to you?

There are so many reason, baby girl. Let’s see. He might be a good person at the very beginning, but he got lack of love, never get enough attention from someone he loved and its hurted him so much years back before he finally met you. May be he has a mental deficient, and you not knowing it, never knew it. Coz you’re blinded of love haha. May be he has a problem, he was strugling too much til now to stop hurting other girl but he never know how.
Be a good people as always, you were a good person, keep in that way. Never let anything change you. Always think in a positive sight. Smart people always see in a different perspective, right? Let’s be smart together then.


Coz our mental health is way much important. We do have other goals to conquer. You’d never know that you’ll become a very important person in this world that maybe the world needs. Life’s still going and we have to keep moving forward. And the important is that you ARE STILL ALIVE. Don’t waste your time just to think about that damn thing. Stupid.
Life is hard sometimes, but there’s always a reason for why it is. All that you need is just to start over and be a new you. Try to set new goals in life, be different. That absolutely makes you beautiful. You’ve been hurt, left out, feeling worthless. But trying to get up and be brave to face the reality after through the hard time makes you beautiful. Be different although its hard, its way too good for you.
“A mistake that makes you humble is always better than an achievement that makes you arrogant.”

Focus on your future.

IF you put your focus on something and dedicate yourself to it completely, you will achieve more. It takes a determined mind and strong will to be able to achieve something great in this world. It takes hard work, dedication and sacrifice. As long as you believe in yourself and work hard, work really damn hard. You can do anything. But what if the things will not going to happen with our desires? Working really hard doesnt always mean you will get what you want. But if you dont bother to even try and put in the work you’ll never know if you could have achieved your goal or not. And keep yourself open to new opportunities and learn from what is not working and why is not working.

How do you change your beliefs then?

Well, I think you have to repeat the belief in your mind over and over again. Like affirmation. For example, I believe that potential is real. I believe humans are build to grow and adapt, etc. Changing your beliefs comes from a change of your values. As in if you value a positive life style your beliefs of keeping people around that are always negative may change. If you value creating your own business your beliefs that going out on a Saturday instead of working will change, etc. It’s all a value to belief system. Once you figure out what you value you need to practice the changed behavior which will allow for the formation of habits which will allow you to change your beliefs.

Confidence and self belief is the foundation to all success.

You can do anything but until you believe that of yourself, you won’t. As Henry Ford said, “ if you think you can or you can’t, you’re right!” Change your life, change the world. One decision at a time. Strong people rarely have an easy past. A strong person doesnt seek revenge. They move on and let the karma do the dirty work. Just try to be more focused, intelligent, and motivated.

Not everyone understand your uniqueness.

Najwa Z said, “Whatever you’re going through, please know that you are not alone. Nothing is worth you not seeing the value in your life.
Toxic relationship? End it
Bad job? Quit and find something new
Feeling lonely? Reach out
Feeling unworthy? Start working on the parts of you that you dont like.”
Love your life because you only live once!

Thanks for reading it seriously. I do hope you find it useful! Stay strong.



Pablo (yo) said…
Great blog!!

I also have a blog, and I'm trying to get visit from every country. I would really like to get a visit from the British Virgin Islands.

If you can, please come back and visit mine:

Pablo from Argentina
Anonymous said…
Hello! I could have sworn I've visited this blog befor
but after looking at a few of the posts I realized it's new tto me.
Anyways, I'm certainly delighted I discovered it
and I'll be bookmarking it and checking ack frequently!
Wanda said…
Hello Pablo and Anonymous,

Como estas? gracias por visitarme mi blogsite jejeje and yes i am visiting you back. Hope you guys enjoy to read my blog, dont worry i have translator in my blog you guys can use it so it doesnt matter where you guys are from and doesnt matter what language i use on my post, you guys can just translated it lol

Thanks and Regards,




Fertilisasi In Vitro Bab I A.   Definisi Bayi tabung  atau  pembuahan in vitro  (bahasa Inggris:  in vitro fertilisation ) adalah sebuah teknik pembuahan dimana sel telur (ovum) dibuahi di luar tubuh wanita. Atau FIV adalah teknik mencampurkan sel telur wanita dengan spermaa dari pasangannya ke dalam wadah kecil atau tuba tes di laboratorium untuk membuat fertilisasi terjadi. Begitu sel telurnya berhasil difertilisasi (pada tahap ini dikenal sebagai embrio), satu atau lebih embrio ditempatkan di kandungan wanita melalui serviks.  B.    Tujuan Untuk membantu pasangan suami istri yang sulit mendapat keturunan atau anak. Ataupun bagi pasangan yang ingin menentukan jenis kelamin bagi buah hati mereka. C.   Langkah – Langkah 1.     Istri diberi obat pemicu ovulasi yang berfungsi untuk merangsang indung telur mengeluarkan sel telur yang diberikan setiap hari sejak...

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