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Revealed Who The Mr.R Is

For those who always checking out my blog must be familiar with Mr.R or if this is your first time reading my blog you’ll see Mr.R on some articles and poems. Yes, he made those poems for me, you guys could see how much he adore me, his poems drawn all of his feelings toward me. He is just a perfect guy for me, all about him is very undescribeable. Even, he would burn his fingers, brain, and soul just to make me happy and make sure that i am happy until last breath of his life without asking anything in return. 
He is 10 years or more older than me I'm not sure but i could feel his soul in me, he lives in the USA, there is no better word to describe how I adore him. Like an angel, he motivate me way too much since last 4 years, i've been through the sadness, happiness, and struggles. I almost share all of my college story to him. I called him Lion. Lion, i know you will be reading this post, this post is supposed to you to read. I just wanted to express what is in the deepest of my heart.
He would call me almost everyday through Skype. He could read and listen to all of my emotions. We’re just like a lover, but we indeed soul lover. I had never seen his face for 4 years back then. He just called on Skype and always refused to turned on the cam. But still i turned on my cam for him so that he could see me crying, laughing and smiling. 
We’ve shared our life story to each other since last 4 years. I couldn’t imagine how miserable my life was without his presence, when all of my friend became so mean to me, when finally things got worst, when i finally got a remarkable achievement, etc. He made me use love in the right way. He IS MY LIFE! Sometimes, i played guitar for him on cam, i think he would love it. He motivate me way too much to be an “Eagle”. He called me Eagle and I called him Lion. We’re so much powerful together. Like a lover but we aren't. We are the real soul lover. He said he will buy me Chipotle when i arrived in the USA later.
 A few days ago I celebrate my birthday and he called me through Skype he sang a Happy B'day song to me what a touching! Really, this is so touching when you finally realized that there is someone who is really care for you no matter what. someone who is always showing the love and happiness. I remember when there is none remember my bday but my parents, Jindul and my Lion. Preach!!!!!! I love him.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAND he gave me a surprise, for the very firstttt tiiiime in my whole life he opened the cam for me as a bday gift. He is so much beautiful!!! Cooler than ive ever thought. Lovely and so charming. He is my life! His voice keep echoing in my head. He has such an amazing voice. He knows almost all about me about what i likes and dislikes in this life. He knows my persnality quite well. I love every aspect in him way much. 

We both hit the gym, love jokes as well. He is so sweet and unique. He said im a unique, but i think he is more unique than just my uniqueness. I am always missing him, every sec in my life. Call me on Skype when you got home, Lion. This Eagle’s missing her Lion’s voice so much!

Thanks for reading this post. Love you!

Wanda (your soul lover mate)




Fertilisasi In Vitro Bab I A.   Definisi Bayi tabung  atau  pembuahan in vitro  (bahasa Inggris:  in vitro fertilisation ) adalah sebuah teknik pembuahan dimana sel telur (ovum) dibuahi di luar tubuh wanita. Atau FIV adalah teknik mencampurkan sel telur wanita dengan spermaa dari pasangannya ke dalam wadah kecil atau tuba tes di laboratorium untuk membuat fertilisasi terjadi. Begitu sel telurnya berhasil difertilisasi (pada tahap ini dikenal sebagai embrio), satu atau lebih embrio ditempatkan di kandungan wanita melalui serviks.  B.    Tujuan Untuk membantu pasangan suami istri yang sulit mendapat keturunan atau anak. Ataupun bagi pasangan yang ingin menentukan jenis kelamin bagi buah hati mereka. C.   Langkah – Langkah 1.     Istri diberi obat pemicu ovulasi yang berfungsi untuk merangsang indung telur mengeluarkan sel telur yang diberikan setiap hari sejak...

Review Klinik Kecantikan Gloskin

Halo, akhirnya kesempatan juga untuk posting Review Klinik Kecantikan. Kali ini aku akan nge-review tentang Klinik Kecantikan Gloskin. Postingan ini ditujukan kepada kalian pada beauty seeker yang sedang bingung pilih-pilih klinik mana yang kira-kira bagus buat perawatan wajah. Berdasarkan pengalamanku dulu sih gitu, jadi tiap aku akan melakukan segala sesuatu, pasti aku akan cek ke gugel atau yutup buat sekedar ngliat review-an orang-orang. Biar gak nyesel aja gitu, yaa walaupun ada beberapa klinik yang sudah aku lihat reviewnya tetep aja zonk! wkwkk. Tapi postingan ini aku buat sejujur-jujurnya mengenai Gloskin, guys! Ok, aku critain dulu yah aku ini siapa dan kegiatan apa yang sehari-hari aku lakukan. Jadi gini, guys. Aku ini adalah seorang engineer yang kerjanya dilokasi (kadang onshore kadang juga offshore), tapi aku juga hobi banget nulis jadi aku punya blog ini dari jaman aku SMP, awalnya hanya untuk menyimpan materi belajar tapi sekrang makin kesini makin campur-campur ...

biological task

hi ! makasih untuk malam ini tugas saya telah finished dengan baik ini nih artikelnya : saya dapet dari blog yang keren ini alamatnya blog 1 dan blog 2 informasi dari blog 1 dan 2 gue mixing hehe makasih ya ownernyaa (: Struktur Perkembangan Tumbuhan Posted on December 12, 2011 by Dian Jaringan Tumbuhan  Tumbuhan tersusun atas berbagai jaringan.Definisi jaringan adalah sekelompok sel dengan asal-usul,struktur,dan fungsi yang sama.Jaringan pada tumbuhan dikelompokkan berdasarkan tempatnya dalam tumbuhan, tipe sel, fungsi, asal-usul, dan tahap perkembangannya. Berdasarkan jumlah tipe sel penyusunnya, jaringan dibedakan menjadi jaringan sederhana dan jaringan rumit. Jaringan sederhana bersifat homogen,hanya terdiri dari atas satu tipe sel,sedangkan jaringan rumit bersifat heterogen, terdiri atas dua atau lebih sel. Parenkim, kolenkim, dan sklerenkim adalah jaringan sederhana, sedangkan xilem, floem, dan epidermis  adalah jaringan rumit. A. Jaringan Meristem ...