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When you feel like you're left out by him/them even by everyone. Listen, you deserve the best for your life. Nothing can stop you! if he/they love you they mean it, they'd stay. They would NEVER EVER LEAVE YOU!

Love - In my opinion
Someone who really loves you sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle, but still wants you in their life.
Just be a Creative people. What's creative people would look like:
1. They are easily bored
2. Risk takers
3. Color outside the lines
4. Think with their heart
5. Make lots of mistakes
6. Hate the rules
7. Work independently
8. Change their mind a lot
9. Have a reputation for eccentricity
10. Dream big!
So never let that thing brings you down. Just because he/she left you, they left you, and you are all alone. No. You'll be greater than when you with them, with him/her.


Im sorry for being rude all time, guys. But this is me. I am a family person, a cat person, i dont really into talking bad about others i just focused on myself. Improving my ability to be tolerant, to be mature minded. Coz, everyone makes mistake and absolutely have no business with our life, right? Just do your best for the rest of life. But sometime we cant deny that there must be someone who is always talkin bad behind our back, thats a prove that our life is more interesting than theirs. Just, dont let anyone EVER dull your sparkle, guys. Life is too short to worry about what other say or think about you. Have fun and give them something to talk about. Because in life you're going to be left out, talked about, lied to, and used. But you have the right to choose who is worth your tears and who is not. Also the world is gonna judge you no matter what you do, so live your life the way you want to.

Someday you will found someone who you can laugh harder with, feel more yourself, trust with and being the real you. When something goes wrong, or right, or you hear a funny joke, or you see something bizzare, they're the first person you wanna talk about it.


So, just take it easy

If they lack gratitude, they should lack your attention. Give your energy to those who appreciate you. Coz there is a big difference between quitting and moving on from what is not right for you. Dont fear letting go.
Hey, have you read about "untalented" people who become famous? Well, lets talk about it.
1. Walt Disney, fired from a newspaper for lacking imagination.
2. Steven Spielberg, failed to enter Film School because of a "complete absence of talent".
3. Albert Einstein, couldnt speak until 4 years old, his teacher concluded: nothing will come of this talentless child.
4. Thomas edison, expelled from school, his teacher thought he was mental deficient.
5. Dmitri Mendeleev, failed chemistry exams at ST.PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY.
6. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the emperor Ferdinand declared that "there was too much noise and too much notes".
Lesson learned: Everything is possible! Believe on yourself.

For me, its okay to be alone. Learning to be alone and enjoying it, is the most empowering gift you can give yourself - Steven Aitchison.
I look back when i was a 5 year old girl. I was so insecure, so vulnerable, i didnt know where to go in this life, who i am going to be, and so on. But i have had this dream, i dreamt that someday im going to be free and i am going to travel the world. Then finally i turned 20 years old. I went to the beaches in indonesia, i went hiking, climbing the mountain, camping, etc. My school's life story or dorm's story had me learn a lot of things in this life. I just never stop believing that good things are gonna happen. At this very age, ive seen many girls at my age, they did make up, they changed their style way so much. They're like competing each other to be the prettiesttttt. In my opinion, we just dont need that. You dont need to be prettier. You do. However, need to quit comparing what you see in your mirror to what you see on the TV screen. One is reality, one is presentation. No need to be a lil skinnier or have more perfect body. Those models are products. Photoshop is unachievable beauty marketed as a natural beauty.

Since i grown up, i used to a 5 year old girl with tons of dream. And now im getting older. Ive grown up. I met so many people in life, ive been exposing their influences. But then i learned and its true that we dont meet people by the accident. There is always a reason. A lesson. Or a blessing. Dont blame yourself coz u met them. Please No. Dont do that to yourself!
Finally youve got the lesson learned from them. And it is so important for your next life's journey. At least youre experienced on it. Let me give you an example, its like when someone ask me "Wanda, you have to choose one color among these colors. Only one color that you should wear it on yourself for the rest of your life!"

Then what color will you choose?

Are you gonna pick Blue?
It depends on your perspective of life, how you see your life. Etc.

Advice for girls:
Be loud and gross and take up space! Stop saying "sorry" and start saying "Dont interrupt me". Stop saying "Because I have a boyfriend" and start saying "Because I SAID SO!"
Say "No" and say "None of your business".
Dont laugh at jokes that aren't funny. Be snide and sarcastic and wear your hair the way u like. Help out other girls and be vocal about what makes you mad. Be masculine and feminine and both and neither and be Unapologetic. Dont set aside your comfort for boys' egos. You are stronger than you think. Be Bold. You can handle this!

When people chose to pick their companion with only at their age, then not me. I chose to connect myself with other people whom older than my age and younger than my age.It's good for you to see the life's perspective. I chose to have a lots of male friends coz i know they'd do me good  and we'd be like sister and brother. They're my brother. Brother is a person who's there when you need him. Someone who literally picks you up when you fall. Forever friend.

Thanks for reading,





Fertilisasi In Vitro Bab I A.   Definisi Bayi tabung  atau  pembuahan in vitro  (bahasa Inggris:  in vitro fertilisation ) adalah sebuah teknik pembuahan dimana sel telur (ovum) dibuahi di luar tubuh wanita. Atau FIV adalah teknik mencampurkan sel telur wanita dengan spermaa dari pasangannya ke dalam wadah kecil atau tuba tes di laboratorium untuk membuat fertilisasi terjadi. Begitu sel telurnya berhasil difertilisasi (pada tahap ini dikenal sebagai embrio), satu atau lebih embrio ditempatkan di kandungan wanita melalui serviks.  B.    Tujuan Untuk membantu pasangan suami istri yang sulit mendapat keturunan atau anak. Ataupun bagi pasangan yang ingin menentukan jenis kelamin bagi buah hati mereka. C.   Langkah – Langkah 1.     Istri diberi obat pemicu ovulasi yang berfungsi untuk merangsang indung telur mengeluarkan sel telur yang diberikan setiap hari sejak...

Review Klinik Kecantikan Gloskin

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biological task

hi ! makasih untuk malam ini tugas saya telah finished dengan baik ini nih artikelnya : saya dapet dari blog yang keren ini alamatnya blog 1 dan blog 2 informasi dari blog 1 dan 2 gue mixing hehe makasih ya ownernyaa (: Struktur Perkembangan Tumbuhan Posted on December 12, 2011 by Dian Jaringan Tumbuhan  Tumbuhan tersusun atas berbagai jaringan.Definisi jaringan adalah sekelompok sel dengan asal-usul,struktur,dan fungsi yang sama.Jaringan pada tumbuhan dikelompokkan berdasarkan tempatnya dalam tumbuhan, tipe sel, fungsi, asal-usul, dan tahap perkembangannya. Berdasarkan jumlah tipe sel penyusunnya, jaringan dibedakan menjadi jaringan sederhana dan jaringan rumit. Jaringan sederhana bersifat homogen,hanya terdiri dari atas satu tipe sel,sedangkan jaringan rumit bersifat heterogen, terdiri atas dua atau lebih sel. Parenkim, kolenkim, dan sklerenkim adalah jaringan sederhana, sedangkan xilem, floem, dan epidermis  adalah jaringan rumit. A. Jaringan Meristem ...