Life is simple- First, gak usah pusingin hidup orang lain. Komentar ini-itu. Fitnah sana-sini. Menjelek-jelekkan kesana-kemari. Second, bergayalah sesuai dengan kemampuan. Kalo gak ada yaudah gak usah dipaksain. Jangan nyiksa diri sendiri kalo cuma pengen dibilang hits. Third, nikmatin hidup lu, jadi yang lu mau, syukuri yang lu punya dan jalani yang lu inginkan. Fourth, jangan dengerin kata orang, lu gak minta makan sama mereka! Those lines are inspiring for me and i am into the third tips. Enjoy your life, be the one you always wanted to be, be grateful with everything you have and do whatever you want to do. And i really do! Indonesia is a beautiful archipelagos country with tons of beautiful sceneries, cultures, and places. Banyakk banget tempat menarik yang bisa kamu kunjungi, buat refreshing saat weekend atau di hari-hari libur. I have a couple free days this week and i spent em to travel some place ive never been before, like I never visit this place and it i...